President, Bangladesh Student Association, UTEP, Session 2021-22
Vice-President, Bangladesh Student Association, UTEP, Session 2020-21
[ BSA Volunteer Transcript ] [ BSA Website ]

Peer Reviewer
- International Conference on Big Data, IoT and Machine Learning (BIM 2021)
- International Conference on Science and Contemporary Technologies (ICSCT 2021)

Mentor, Research Experience for undergraduates
University of Texas at El Paso
Fall 2020
Summer 2021
1. Mentor three students from institutions throughout the nation
2. Provide ideas to develop a research project

Mentor, Research Experience for undergraduates
University of Colorado Denver
Feb 2019 – May 2019
1. Mentor two students from undergraduates
2. Provide research ideas to develop a research project
[ Poster ]

Conference Planning Manager
IEEE Denver Section – Region 5
Jan 2018 – Dec 2018
Educational Activity
1. Planning and documenting proposals for new conferences